
Download this free Homeschool Mom's
Survival Guide
to discover how to

Behavior Struggles
Build Relationships

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Learn a 5-Step default response for defusing on-the-spot struggles.
Apply a 4-part strategy to discover the root and remedy of your child's misbehavior.

In this guide, you will:

~  learn a default response to guide you in the moment and help bring peace to the immediate situation.

~  be given direction to help you answer the following questions: Is there a deeper problem being manifested through this misbehavior? Does this behavior indicate a need for further training?

~  gain insight for resolving some of the root problems that cause poor behavior.



Have you ever...


...left the grocery store with a wailing child and no groceries?


...had to manage an angry, frustrated, or overwrought child in public and wished you and your child could become invisible?

Siblings fighting over teddy bear
Little girl and mom upset

...felt exhausted after an outing with a non-compliant child?


...felt like everything you say to a misbehaving child brings out the worst in both of you?

How do you keep from bribing a misbehaving child in order to keep the peace or just get through the moment?

Mom and daughter upset

Find answers to these questions and more in this new guide!

Homeschool Mom's Survival Guide: Build Relationships and Overcome Behavior Struggles

Mom hugging daughter
Mom and son looking at each other with love
Mom and daughter with cupcakes

Use this guide

- to make the IDEAL response to immediate behavior issues

- to find REST as you discover the root causes of misbehavior

- to intentionally resolve struggles and build relationship with your children


Susan is a wife, grandmama, twenty-five year homeschool veteran, mentor, speaker, and ardent pursuer of God. Married in 1977 to Jerry, they have five children and five grandchildren. Susan has nearly forty years of experience working and researching in the realm of education. She mentors home educating families to instill confidence and bring clarity and peace to their homes. She guides them to understand and address the issues of child behavior—development, habits, and the will. Susan offers wisdom and inspiration to homeschooling moms.