I speak to support groups, parenting groups, at women’s retreats, and at homeschool conventions across the nation.
Women are guided to a deeper relationship with God, building trust, boosting faith, and inspiring hope. My topics include faith, prayer, knowing God (the names of God), burnout, the empty nest, and grace for today. I have a gentle approach and a passion for truth which inspires without condemning or placing unrealistic burdens on women.
Parenting groups learn the value of empowering their children with habits of thought and behavior that enhance learning and character development. Parents are equipped with a better understanding of the will of the child, helping them to come alongside each of their children in a mentoring relationship. I teach the imperatives of early childhood development, equipping parents to prepare their children for academic learning while fostering their curiosity.
Home educating parents are challenged to become lifelong learners and equipped to instill in their children a love of learning. These parents acquire a knowledge of how to prepare their children for learning, foster their curiosity, and inspire them through relationship. My workshops are practical and relevant.
Education Specific:
Preschool & Kindergarten Education—Academic Preparation (Two one-hour workshops)
1st Hour: How Your Child’s Brain Develops: Discover the wonder of your child’s brain and how it grows. Acquire an understanding of how your child learns during the early stages of development, giving your child an educational advantage. Learn how to help your child learn to his best ability.
2nd Hour: The Essentials of Early Education: With an understanding of your child’s brain and how it grows, you can prepare your child for success in academics. Learn the basics of what early education involves. Discover the developmental imperatives of early education which provide the richest possible foundation for learning. At the conclusion of these two workshops, you will have an overview and many details of a comprehensive preschool curriculum.
Is Your Schedule the Cause of Your Child’s Misbehavior? Or A Home Educator’s Guide to Scheduling and Planning
Susan will break down the task of educating into step-by-step details that will get you started with a workable schedule. This practical session will help you with yearly, weekly, and daily schedules and planning ideas, and tips on what to do with toddlers and preschoolers during school time.
Evaluation—How to Know What Your Child Really Knows
What are the best tools for evaluating what your child has learned? Are true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice tests really effective indicators of what your child knows? Join Susan, homeschool mother of five, to learn how to truly assess your child’s proficiency.
Nature Study: Developing Higher Level Cognitive Skills Naturally
Discover how the child who studies God’s creation out of doors is given an advantage physically, academically, spiritually, and intellectually—a practical look at nature study. “We were all meant to be naturalists, each in his degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life and to care for none of these things…” Charlotte Mason.
How to Study Artists & Composers So Your Kids Will Love It
Does the idea of providing artist and composer studies intimidate you? Don’t be paralyzed wondering how to plan and implement the study of great works of art and music. Learn where to begin and how to easily incorporate picture and composer studies into your homeschool. Even if you have no personal background in the arts, Susan will equip you and give you confidence in this interactive workshop. You will receive step-by-step instruction and develop a vision for guiding your children to understand beauty and to recognize it. (Workshop based on Charlotte Mason philosophy)
Parenting & Discipleship:
Habits—By Default or Design?
Whether purposefully or not, all parents train their children in habits, good ones and bad ones. Tired of trying again and again to instill good habits in your children and in yourself? Want to experience the freedom that good habits can give? Join Susan in a study of the power of habits. Learn how habits enhance character formation and bring easier days to your home.
Jump Start into Habit Training— Key Habits for Children and Teens
Learn a vital secret to successful habit training. Discover key habits that will give your children an advantage in academic learning and character development. Learn a simple process which will show you where to begin habit training in your home. If you are new to habit training or are a seasoned habit trainer, the practical knowledge in this workshop will chart your path into relevant and successful habit training.
What Parents Should Know About Their Child’s Will
Do you have a toddler who throws himself on the floor, crying inconsolably for something he should not have, or a defiant child demanding his way, or a young person who is merely outwardly compliant? Even without those challenges, do you want to understand how to instill more inner strength in your child? Learn the function and power of the will and how you can guide your children toward building a strong inner person. This workshop offers a realistic and practical look at the will and the difference this perspective will make in your family and home life.
Pointing Your Children to God–What is Intentional Discipleship?
As evidenced throughout Scripture, God has manifested Himself to us in ways we can also use to reveal Him to our children. Learn how to thoughtfully and intentionally disciple your children with three very practical ways to acquaint your children with God, His work, and His attributes.
Discipleship: (of moms)
Habits that Bring Clarity, Confidence, and Peace OR Three Habits that Will Give You the Power to Avoid Burnout
Susan, a mom with twenty-five years homeschooling experience, will reveal three habits that have had a profound affect upon her and her family members, habits she will continue to maintain for the rest of her life. Learn about these valuable habits and how you can begin today to ensure you avoid frustration, confusion, and burnout.
Preparation for the Empty Nest—When and How to Think about the Next Season
Contrary to how your life looks now, there will come a day when nearly all of you will face an empty nest. What are the realities of the season after raising children? How can you be prepared to transition into this season with grace, and when should you start preparing for it? The time to prepare for the empty nest is NOW, even though you are in the trenches of nurturing babies and training and educating your children. Learn what you can do today to prepare for your future.
Prayer Life in the Real World
Scripture tells us to pray. In the life of a mom, who has so many responsibilities, what is a Biblical, but realistic prayer life to look like? Susan will share from scripture and from her journey as a mother and grandmother the liberty and power God offers to those who pray. There is no condemnation in this workshop, only truth to encourage and empower.
Like a Rock: How to Get to Know God When Your Home is Never Quiet
Do you want to know Jesus more than ever before? Do you struggle trying to find time when your household is quiet so you can read His Word and pray? Do you feel burdened with the weight of trying to reach a standard you cannot attain in your own spiritual life? Learn the principle of abiding in Christ. (You will NOT be told that in order to know God intimately you must rise early every morning before your household is up.)
Hold Fast! How to Walk by Faith Day-by-Day (No Matter What)
Do you ever have doubts about God’s love for you? Have you ever been plagued with fear? Are you ever perplexed about what God is doing in your life, wondering if you can hold on to your faith? God has given you life support in His Word. The lifeline is there, you must reach out for it and hold fast. Learn what God has provided for you to hold on to, and learn how to hold fast, building faith and trust in the loving, powerful Lord and His Word.
That I May Know Him
The knowledge of God is more essential for the Christian than any other knowledge. We will love Him and trust Him only in proportion as we know Him. Deepen your knowledge of God by studying with Susan what He has revealed to us about Himself through His names.
In the Tower of His Name (sequel to That I May Know Him)
Proverbs 18:10 states, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe.” Learn more about God and how He reveals Himself to us through His names. In the real world, how does His name become a tower, how do we get into this tower, and what happens while we are there? Come learn why Jesus prayed in John 17, “Holy Father, keep them in Thy name…”
Rise Above the Storm
Whether the storm in your life is a constant wet drizzle or tornado-force winds, how are you encountering it? Are you overwhelmed, depressed, confused, feeling judged or rejected because of difficult circumstances you cannot control? Learn how to see your trials with the eyes of faith.
In the Media:
The following magazines have included articles I have written:
Homeschool Arizona, Winter 2019
NICHE Homeschool Iowa, Spring 2017
OCHEC Informer magazine, most recently in the Fall 2019, Spring 2015, and the Summer 2015 issues.
The Messenger at the Heart of NY Homeschooling, Winter Issue 2015, Convention Issue 2015
CHAP Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania, Winter 2014
GHEA Georgia Home Education Association, Spring 2011